The Japan Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren) on Monday announced 12 corporate executive candidates -- including top executives of two major banks -- for key positions dealing with current financial problems confronting the nation.

The 12, expected to be approved at general meetings on May 25, include Satoru Kishi, president of Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, for Keidanren vice chairman, and Toshio Morikawa, chairman at Sumitomo Bank, for vice chairman of the board of councilors.

Keidanren Chairman Takashi Imai said he chose people familiar with financial matters to help deal with the nation's current economic troubles.

Among other candidates are Yoichi Morishita, president of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., and Tetsuya Katada, chairman of Komatsu Ltd., for Keidanren vice chairmen. Hiroyuki Yoshino, president of Honda Motor Co., and Taizo Nishimuro, president of Toshiba Corp., meanwhile, are candidates for vice chairmen of the board of councilors.

Sho Nasu, chairman of Tokyo Electric Power Co., was chosen as a candidate for chairman of the board of councilors, a post left vacant after NEC Corp. Chairman Tadahiro Sekimoto resigned in the wake of a bill-padding scandal involving the Defense Agency in October.