Iranian Ambassador Manouchehr Mottaki, in Tokyo since 1995, wants to see Japan further deepen its relations with Iran and other Persian Gulf countries by promoting relations in various fields, not only trade.

Japan enjoys a good reputation in the Gulf area countries, but has "no root" there yet, Mottaki said Tuesday during a visit to The Japan Times.

Japan's relations with Iran and with other countries in the region must be "institutionalized" and take root there through the promotion of ties in broader areas, such as in the political, economic and cultural arenas well as trade, he said. This must be undertaken especially at a time when Japan's reliance on the Middle East for oil remains heavy and energy demand from such former oil exporting countries as China and Indonesia is rising, Mottaki added.

As part of efforts to further broaden and deepen Iran's relations with Japan, which he said have been improving well, particularly over the past couple of years, Mottaki said he hopes this year to organize seminars and visits by the two countries' media elements, including editors and journalists, to promote understanding about the Gulf situation and Japan.