Former Aum Shinrikyo intelligence chief Yoshihiro Inoue testified in court Friday that his involvement in heinous crimes allegedly carried out by the cult derived from his loyalty toward its guru, Shoko Asahara.Inoue's defense team questioned him at his trial hearing at the Tokyo District Court to clarify his feelings at the time of the alleged crimes.Inoue, who disavowed the cult after his arrest, has admitted participating in 10 criminal cases, including the Tokyo subway gas attack and the lynching and murder of cult followers.He said he had mixed feelings about carrying out the deadly gas attacks concocted by Asahara and his top followers. But he followed the orders because he believed at the time that Asahara's words were absolute, he said.Inoue said he was depressed when Asahara scolded him for not being able to fulfill his orders, and tried to do whatever he could to make up for it.During the hearing, Inoue referred to Asahara by his real name, "Mr. Chizuo Matsumoto."