Two former top Defense Agency officials who were demoted Tuesday took procurement-related documents to their homes prior to prosecutors' raid on the agency Sept. 3, agency Vice Minister Masahiro Akiyama admitted Thursday.Speaking to reporters, Akiyama said Defense Agency staffers have reported to him that Masayuki Fujishima, former director of the agency secretariat, and Yoshihito Tanaka, former deputy head of the agency's Central Procurement Office, took "some" documents back to their homes.Akiyama declined to comment on the contents of the documents, as well as why the documents were taken to the homes of the two men. "We will make public more details (on the suspected coverup attempts by agency officials) in the interim report of our investigation, which is due out this month," Akiyama said.Akiyama is leading the agency's in-house investigation of its suspected coverup in the ongoing procurement overcharge scandal.The in-house probe has confirmed that Hiroshi Ishizuki, former deputy head of the Central Procurement Office, moved documents from the office to his residence before the raid.Fujishima, Tanaka and Ishizuki were all demoted Tuesday and no longer have titles in the agency's secretariat.