Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto will fly to Britain on Thursday to attend the meeting of leaders from the Group of Eight industrialized countries in Birmingham, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kanezo Muraoka said Monday.

During the May 15-17 summit of the world's eight major powers, leaders will focus on issues related to employment, internationally organized crime and the world economy, including the economic crisis in Asia, Muraoka said.

Hashimoto will explain to summit participants the expected outcome of the nation's comprehensive 16 trillion yen economic stimulus package unveiled late last month and will seek their understanding of Japan's efforts toward economic recovery, according to the top government spokesman.

Japan will also ask the other seven nations to help Asian nations suffering from severe financial problems, said Muraoka, adding that Japan has already provided $42 billion to ailing Asian economies. During his three-day stay in Birmingham, Hashimoto will also have tete-a-tete meetings with U.S. President Bill Clinton, Russian President Boris Yeltsin and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Muraoka said.

Muraoka praised the meetings of foreign and finance ministers from the eight countries held on Friday and Saturday in London prior to the Birmingham summit, saying that meeting participants discussed a wide range of topics.