The Yokohama branch of the Ecology Special Interest Group (EcoSIG) is hosting "International Earth Day '98: The Tsurumi River Tree of Life Celebration" on Sunday in Yokohama.

Organizers expect 700 to show up for the one-day event, which features a riverside cleanup in the morning, construction of a two-meter tree made from used chopsticks, and an outdoor concert featuring three bands in the afternoon. In addition, organic Indian curry will be provided for 350 people -- if they bring reusable bowls and spoons. The event will also feature games and activities including face-painting, tree-free papermaking and flower-pressing, as well a simulation of global warming.

The event will run from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Those interested in participating should meet along the banks of the Tsurumi River, roughly a one-minute walk across the north exit bridge from Kamoi Station on the JR Yokohama Line. For more information call or fax (045) 847-3496 before 4 p.m., or (045) 731-5018 after 5 p.m.