Defense Agency chief Fumio Kyuma reiterated April 7 that the government must not be hampered by the need to get the approval of the Diet before dispatching the Self-Defense Forces during an emergency near Japan.

Updated guidelines for Japan-U.S. defense cooperation require the SDF to play a greater role in providing U.S. forces with logistic support in the event of an emergency in areas surrounding Japan. But opposition parties are demanding that the government first obtain Diet approval before allowing the SDF to cooperate with U.S. forces on the grounds that the Diet should retain control of Japan's defense capabilities.

The government is now working to cut short such necessary procedures, Kyuma told reporters at a regular news conference after the Cabinet meeting. The government would "decide on an implementation plan after having the Security Council and Cabinet meeting acknowledge the situation," Kyuma said, adding that only a report on these procedures would be made to the Diet afterward.

Should the Security Council and Cabinet confirm an "emergency" has arisen, the government would immediately stipulate the activities the SDF could carry out to support the U.S. forces.