Kyojima 3-chome in Sumida Ward would be the least resistant to heavy damage out of all areas of Tokyo if a major earthquake were to strike, a report released Monday by the metropolitan government indicates.

The comprehensive report rates for the first time the vulnerability to earthquake damage of each Tokyo address block unit, or "chome," according to the degree of danger. Revised regularly since 1975, the 431-page report includes maps assigning each block a different color to indicate its level of potential vulnerability and a list of Tokyo's 83 most vulnerable chome.

Each chome is assigned one of five colors based on a variety of factors, including ground conditions, building strength, potential for fires and the availability of evacuation routes and shelter areas. With all parameters considered, 83 chome are listed in the report as being the most dangerous among all Tokyo districts.

Following Sumida Ward's Kyojima 3-chome in the No. 2 position is Kyojima 2-chome, in the same district. Haramachi 1-chome of Meguro Ward is ranked third, followed by Machiya 4-chome of Arakawa Ward, Nishi-kamata 5-chome of Ota Ward, Machiya 3-chome of Arakawa Ward and Nishi-arai-honcho 3-chome of Adachi Ward.

The maps show that areas along the Arakawa River and along Kan-nana Dori (Loop Highway No. 7) are particularly susceptible to earthquake damage.