The 1997 Japan Times Readers' Refugees Aid Fund presented 6,393,000 yen to seven relief organizations March 17 to help finance projects for African and Asian refugees.

The money was raised during the newspaper's annual fundraising campaign. As in the 14 preceding years, many people and organizations supported the fund for humanitarian aid.

A Japan Times-commissioned group of refugee aid experts approved the allocations. The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees received 3 million yen to assist African refugees and returnees.

The Refugee Resettlement Assistance Headquarters of the Tokyo-based Foundation for the Welfare and Education of the Asian People was given 843,000 yen for programs to facilitate the integration of Indochinese refugees in Japan.

The Japan International Volunteer Center, based in Tokyo, received 800,000 yen for an agricultural development program in Laos for repatriated refugees and local farmers.

Caring for Young Refugees, a Tokyo-based volunteer group, also received 800,000 yen to promote integration of Indochinese refugees here and the publication in Cambodian of an illustrated book of Cambodian children's songs.

Caring for Indochinese Refugees, a volunteer group in Kanagawa Prefecture, was given 350,000 yen to purchase teaching material for Indochinese refugees.

The Vietnamese Association in Japan was given 300,000 yen for the publication of a Vietnamese-language monthly for Vietnamese people in Japan.

Another group of Indochinese refugees in Kanagawa Prefecture, Hoi Than Huu Tuong Tro Viet Nam Tai Kanagawa, received 300,000 yen to publish a Vietnamese-language monthly newsletter.

Organization representatives received the donations March 17 at The Japan Times' head office in Tokyo.

Gary G. Troeller represented the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, while Toyojiro Soejima, director general of the Refugee Resettlement Assistance Headquarters represented the Foundation for the Welfare and Education of the Asian People.

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