In a step toward finalizing Japan's proposal for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry said Sept. 22 it will present a package of energy conservation measures by around the end of this month.

Osamu Watanabe, vice minister for international trade and industry, said MITI is now considering "how far we can push in implementing energy conservation measures in each of the three areas of energy consumption, namely, industry, household and transportation...We will clarify what specific measures must be taken (to reduce greenhouse gas emissions) and how they will affect peoples' lives."

He said the ministry will present such measures by around the end of this month, ahead of an upcoming preparatory meeting for the third conference of parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, better known as COP3. The preparatory meeting is slated to take place next month in Bonn, Germany.

In the COP3 meeting, which Japan will host in Kyoto in December, more than 150 signatory nations to the U.N. convention are to set numerical targets for industrialized nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2000 onward. Japan has been calling for the creation of a meaningful, realistic and equitable framework for reduction of the gases. Although it has yet to present a specific proposal, it is expected to do so at the Bonn meeting.