One good thing about Japan is that the staff at convenience stores and fast food restaurants tend to follow a script when speaking to a customer. If you memorize the following prompts, your interactions at places like Family Mart, 7-Eleven and Lawson will become a lot easier.

  • いらっしゃいませ (Irasshaimase, Welcome!): The first thing you'll hear any store clerk say when you enter a shop is this word welcoming you to the store. There's no need to respond to it!
  • 次の方・お客様どうぞ (Tsugi no kata/o-kyakusama dōzo, Next customer please): You’re likely to hear this when you have your purchases in hand and are in line for the レジ (reji, cash register).
  • 有料ですが、レジ袋はご入用ですか (Yūryō desu ga, reji-bukuro wa go-iriyō desu ka, There’s a charge for it, but would you like a plastic bag?): レジ袋 (Reji bukuro, Plastic bags) are no longer 無料 (muryō, free) in Japan. If you don’t need any, say either, いらないです (iranai desu, I don’t need it) or そのままでいいです (sono mama de ii desu, like that will be fine).
  • お弁当は温めますか (O-bentō wa atatamemasu ka, Would you like your box lunch heated?): If you want something microwaved, try: 温めてもらえますか (Atatamete moraemasu ka, Would you heat [this] up for me?).
  • こちらで少々お待ちください (Kochira de shōshō o-machi kudasai, Please wait for a while here): While your 弁当 (bentō, box lunch) is in the microwave, you might be asked to step to the side and wait.
  • お箸は何膳おつけしますか (O-hashi wa nanzen o-tsukeshimasu ka, How many pairs of chopsticks would you like?): If you want two sets of chopsticks, 二膳ください (Nizen kudasai, Two pairs please) will do.
  • スプーン/フォークはおつけしますか (Supūn/fōku wa o-tsuke shimasu ka, Would you like a spoon/fork?): Unlike chopsticks, spoons and forks don’t need special counters. Simply reply with スプーン/フォークを一つください (Supūn/fōku o hitotsu kudasai, One spoon/fork, please).
  • ポイントカードはお持ちですか (Pointo kādo wa o-mochi desu ka, Do you have a point card?): You can reply either, これでお願いします (Kore de onegai shimasu, Please use this) or ないです (Nai desu, I don’t have any).
  • タッチパネルでお会計をお願いします (Tacchi paneru de o-kaikei o onegai shimasu, Please process the payment on the touch panel): Insert your cash or credit card, or hover a card with ICチップ (aishī chippu, IC [Integrated Circuit] tip) over a card reader after choosing a payment option.