British bars are ubiquitous in Kansai, but a genuine Irish establishment should follow these "Ten Commandments":

Don't put a Union Jack on the front door. Or behind the door, above the bar, on the ceiling or anywhere near a pint of Guinness. I'm not against the flag, it looks great on the Spice Girls or in The Tavern. But just as you wouldn't shove a schnitzel on the menu at a vegan restaurant, so too should you scrub the Union Jack from your Irish pub. If you're still confused, check a map.

Learn to pull a proper pint of Guinness. It takes time to master this skill. While it's settling, learn to take at least five other orders. Also learn which punter came to the bar first, without asking people to form a queue. This is not a train station you're running, it's a pub. Let the masses come and rest their weary asses at the bar.