Sample newspaper article

世界各地で雪を赤く染める「赤雪」という 現象を引き起こし、氷河などの融解を加速させる微生物、雪氷藻類の大半が北極と南極で同じ種類であることが、千葉大の竹内望教授(雪氷生物学)や山梨大の瀬川高弘助教(同)らの調査で分かった。研究結果を8月6日、 英科学誌ネイチャーコミュニケーションズ 電子版に発表した。


Words and phrases

世界 (せかい) the world

各地 (かくち) various places

染める (そめる) to color

赤雪 (あかゆき) watermelon snow [literally, red snow]

現象 (げんしょう) phenomenon

引き起こす (ひきおこす) to cause

氷河 (ひょうが) glacier

融解 (ゆうかい) melting

加速 (かそく) acceleration

微生物 (びせいぶつ) microbe

雪氷藻類 (せっぴょう そうるい) snow algae

大半 (たいはん) majority

北極 (ほっきょく) North Pole

南極 (なんきょく) South Pole

種類 (しゅるい) type

千葉大[学] (ちばだい[がく]) Chiba University

竹内望 (たけうちのぞむ) Nozomu Takeuchi

教授 (きょうじゅ) professor

雪氷生物学 (せっぴょうせいぶつがく) glacial biology

山梨大[学] (やまなしだい[がく]) University of Yamanashi

瀬川高弘 (せがわたかひろ) Takahiro Segawa

助教 (じょきょう) assistant professor

調査 (ちょうさ) investigation

研究結果 (けんきゅうけっか) research findings

英[国] (えいこく) the U.K.

科学誌 (かがくし) scientific journal

電子版 (でんしばん) online edition

発表する (はっぴょうする) to announce

傷 (きず) wound

防ぐ (ふせぐ) to protect

紫外線 (しがいせん) ultra-violet rays

色素 (しきそ) pigment

細胞 (さいぼう) cell

蓄積 (ちくせき) accumulation

大量 (たいりょう) large quantity

繁殖 (はんしょく) breed

太陽光 (たいようこう) sunlight

吸収 (きゅうしゅう) absorption

氷床 (ひょうしょう) ice sheet

速める (はやめる) to accelerate

一因 (いちいん) cause

Quick questions

1) 雪を赤く染める現象は何と言いますか。

2) 研究結果をどこに発表しましたか。

3) 調査を行ったのは誰ですか。


The phenomenon known as watermelon snow, when snow is colored red, which occurs in various places around the globe, is caused by an algae that speeds up the melting of glaciers. The majority of the algae found at both the north and south poles is of this type. These are among the findings from research by Chiba University professor of glacial biology Nozomu Takeuchi and Takahiro Segawa, University of Yamanashi assistant professor of glacial biology, announced on Aug. 6 in the online edition of the British scientific journal Nature Communications.

According to professor Takeuchi, to protect its DNA from damage when exposed to strong light, the arctic algae stores a large quantity of red pigment that acts like a sunglass lens and blocks UV rays. When the algae amasses in large amounts, the snow appears red, which allows glaciers and ice sheets to absorb more sunlight, which in turn speeds up the melting.


1) What is it called when the snow is colored red?


Watermelon snow.

2) Where were the findings announced?


In the online edition of the British scientific journal Nature Communications.

3) What are the names of the professor and assistant professor who did the research?


Nozomu Takeuchi and Takahiro Segawa.