The Malaysia Makan Fest will be held on Sept. 2 and 3 at Zou-No-Hana Terrace, in Yokohama's Naka Ward, where visitors can eat Malaysian food while taking in ethnic costumes and Malay song performances.

Entrance is free for the second edition of this annual festival that follows on the great success of last year's inaugural event.

Delicious Malaysian dishes such as nasi lemak, bak kut teh, chicken rice, rendang beef, satay and a variety of other traditional delicacies will be available.

There will also be shops selling curry paste, curry powder, tomato-flavored canned sardines, coconut milk, Malaysian preservative foods, sea cucumber soap and other goods. Additionally, workshops will provide visitors an opportunity to try Malaysia's traditional craft of batik cloth dyeing.

In addition to a photo exhibition, there will also be a discussion featuring Malaysians who love Japan speaking about their favorite Malaysian cuisines.

The festival is organized by Zo-No-Hana Terrace, Malaysia Gohan-No-Kai (Malaysia Food Net) and Malay Asian Cuisine Yokohama, and sponsored by the Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and Hati Malaysia.

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