They say that the Japanese are no longer dating and everyone has become celibate (even The Observer newspaper had an article about that very subject.) The more popular term among us is "sexless." I hate to be the bearer of more bad tidings but it's actually true.

During the early years of the millennium, the sexless among the Japanese were so rare, friends would crowd around them at nomikai (飲み会, drinking parties) in an effort to set up not one, but a string of one-night stands. The logic was kazu uchya ataru (数打ちゃ当たる, fire enough bullets and you're bound to hit something) meaning, as long as you were out there playing the field, romance was bound to turn up sooner or later.

Now celibacy has sort of become the norm, from joshidaisei (女子大生, college girls) — who for all intents and purposes are at a point in their lives when the word "sex" should only be paired up with words such as kajyō (過剰 , excess) — to the 25-year old salaryman who's completely enwrapped in kaisha no jinji (会社の人事, personnel issues at the company). As for people over 35 — pffft. Forget it.