A time of change

One afternoon in Namibia, Steve said to us: "Life is an ensoku." I realized on this trip that I want my life to be fun and interesting and always filled with discovery, like an ensoku (excursion or school trip). Being out in Namibia's awesome nature opened my eyes and taught me that there is no need to suffer and worry too much about what Japanese society expects me to do, because it is just a small part of this wide, wide world. Before I went to Namibia, I hated to think about my future -- such as finding a job after graduating from university. But meeting and talking with people in Namibia changed my way of thinking. They enjoy their daily lives in nature, and enjoyment is a top priority. This is a part of the Namibian lifestyle that inspired me a lot. I also found that my life is my own. Now I'm excited about designing my life and my future; being honest about my own interests and feelings. I'm so glad that I had the chance to visit Namibia, because if I hadn't, and just stayed in Japan, I might never have experienced such a big change!