Be it for the home, while you're on the go, or even during some far away travels, this month's column has you covered with a selection of choice items that should satisfy all your stylish needs.

The products I cover in this column are usually easily available, even if the size of the wallet required to purchase them is another matter altogether. But to actually experience this next collection, you'll have to make an extra effort. The Barouche brand of electronic appliances and accessories, another beautiful series of stylish goods from REALFLEET (Amadana), can be found only in hotels. So, to actually use these you will need to stay in a place that has taken the step -- one that I wholeheartedly recommend they do -- to furnish its rooms with them. Sleek and white or brown, it shouldn't take long before they show up in some of the world's best boutique accommodations. Let's just hope that such hotels don't start losing more than their towels . . .