Some people sarcastically refer to journalists in Japan as "sarariman reporters." That's because even though the Fourth Estate potentially has enormous power and influence, its members are often timid, risk-averse and happy to cozy up with the politicians, government agencies and corporations they cover. Or worse, they are too lazy to check facts spoon-fed to them by the powers that be.

Not Mori Kitamura, editor-in-chief of Nikkei Trendy, a monthly magazine run by a wholly owned subsidiary of the Nikkei Shimbun newspaper group that is currently recording sales of around 250,000. Laziness is not in his nature; and "kowtow" isn't in his vocabulary.

Since his editorship began in January 2005, the consumer-driven title has relentlessly squared off with corporations as its staff pries out detailed data on their products and services, and nags them as to why they don't offer punters more for their money.