Last week, a girlfriend of mine was at an over-30s-only go-kon (singles drinking party) and came back sorely disappointed. Her gripe was that all the men there -- handsome, well-off and working for high-profile companies -- were nigegoshi (noncommittal, making ready to cut and run) from start to finish.

My girlfriend, an editor by profession and attuned to verbal nuances, quickly caught on that underneath their polite and gently flirtatious chit-chat lurked the unspoken phrase that has become increasingly inevitable among the single male populace of this nation: "Ore, anmari kyominaikara (I'm not really interested)."

A go-kon by definition is held for the benefit of people who are interested and wish to make some sort of commitment -- so my girlfriend felt this was a breach of trust that was yurusenai (unforgivable).