For city-dwelling snow lovers, winter can be an especially bleak time of year. Bare, gray streets feel all the colder without a dusting of white. Outdoor fun is limited -- no beach parties, no beer gardens, no leisurely walks in the park. The initial glow of the after-work pub grows dim and so does going nowhere fast on the treadmill at the gym.

What winter calls for is a bit of nature, mountain vistas, and snow, the more the better, and this year is looking to break all records. Having fun in the winter is about weaving your way down a ski slope with the rush of wind in your ears, springing over moguls and riding a half pipe. Winter fun is about a soak in an outdoor bath, a relaxing massage, and long hours of pampering that will put the sun back into your soul.

Though it sounds like you'll be needing a trip to the Rockies or Swiss Alps to find what you want, it can all be had but a few hours by car or train from Tokyo. There'll be no tiring crowds, no antiquated lifts, icy slopes or language problems, and no one will be baffled by your request for coffee and toast, not green tea and rice at breakfast. There's a resort practically in Tokyoites' backyard, on the other side of the "snow screen" of mountains that keeps the snows of the Japan Sea coast out of Tokyo. It's a resort that combines the best of all worlds -- Arai Mountain & Spa.