Dr. Harry Sweeney said: "Racing in Japan under the Japan Racing Association is the best in the world. There is no question about it." He speaks with the authority of someone "happy and proud to be involved with it." He thinks he, as a non-Japanese who is a member of the Breeders' Association of Japan and holder of a JRA owner's license, is one of a kind here.

He has the qualifications to make his way in the horse business, and a helpful dash of the reputed luck of the Irish. He has the fresh-air look of a horseman, the bright coloring of an outdoorsman, and the distinctive speech of an Irishman. He was born 43 years ago on a farm where he was always familiar with animals.

"I always admired horses, and became fascinated with them from a veterinarian point of view when I was in University College, Dublin," he said. "I had inspiring lecturers. I decided my career would be with large farm animals and horses."