Shu Hikosaka was born in Toyohashi in a Zen Buddhist temple where his father was the temple priest. Hikosaka's three brothers were also born in the temple. His eldest brother succeeded their father as priest. This strong background in religion naturally shaped Hikosaka's character and philosophy. He may yet, later on, become a priest. So far, though, he has seriously devoted his life to Buddhist studies.

With his course set early on, he entered Otani University in Kyoto to study Buddhism. He earned his first two degrees there. Then he went to India.

"I lived in India from 1976 to 1998," Hikosaka said. "I love India very much, but studying there for me was very difficult. I began with Buddhist philosophy at Vishva Bharati University, and after a year shifted to the University of Madras. I couldn't find a suitable adviser, and I asked around for help."