Since its foundation in 1968, the Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society has steadily taken up deserving causes in the Asia-Pacific area. With the aim of bringing together the women of Asia-Pacific countries and Japan, it helps the sick, the poor and orphans in its 24 member countries. It assists with training young people and rehabilitating the needy, especially women and children. It maintains a separate emergency fund to donate to member countries at times of natural disaster. The money it raises comes principally from its annual Asia-Pacific Festival and Charity Bazaar.

Chairwoman of this year's bazaar is Yati Irsan, wife of the ambassador of Indonesia to Japan. Vice chairwoman is Nasrin Fowzia, wife of the ambassador of Bangladesh. Both are capable and energetic, with experience and poise in leadership in their own countries and in international surroundings. As representatives of their homelands, both are models.

"I am only a housewife," protests Yati, a doctor's daughter who studied law at the University of Indonesia.