After the end of World War II, Japanese people were in need. With the basic necessities of food, clothing and housing in short supply, and daily amenities almost unobtainable, the people suffered. Some concerned non-Japanese women living in Tokyo came together to provide help. They resurrected a prewar organization, launching from it the International Ladies Benevolent Society.

Japan was well on the way to economic recovery when ILBS sponsored its first ball for charity. Fifty-one years later, Japan has become a prosperous nation with little seeming need for continuing charitable aid.

Angela B. Infante said: "You don't see the need as you do in some countries, but when you belong to ILBS you realize that here in Japan are other types of need. Handicapped people are here, the same as everywhere. There is need in taking care of them, and of old people on their own, and of long-term patients in hospital."