Irish people appreciate the value of laughter and gaiety. They know that music, songs and dance can benefit serious causes, carrying them along further than they might otherwise go. The Ireland Fund of Japan is a serious venture that aims to promote cultural and communication links with Japan. It supports charitable, environmental and cultural projects in both countries. For these serious concerns, it raises funds through year-round events, many of which appeal to the fun-loving side of people. Some of the events spotlight activities in which Irish people are out in front, such as horse racing, fishing and sailing. High on its list of events for people in Tokyo to enjoy is the Emerald Ball, wonderfully named to suggest the brightness, the myths and legends of the Emerald Isle.

Tara French, born in Dublin, is chairwoman of this year's 12th annual Emerald Ball. She brings to her position managerial qualifications earned and practiced in an international career. Supported by a committee of Irish and Japanese volunteers, she is working for a "stylish evening" with many touches that are uniquely Irish.

Tara came from a family that valued education and qualifications. "I was exposed to other languages at a young age," she said. "From the age of 8, I spent my summers in France. From 14, I spent my summers in Germany." Subsequently she majored in French and German at University College Maynooth. After graduation she went to live and work in Frankfurt.