When the House of St. John USA brought out its fragrance White Camellia, St. John founder Marie Gray thought of it as a celebration of a relationship. The relationship, special and cherished, is between herself and her daughter Kelly. Marie said she could "think of no better way to celebrate something so warm, so intense, so fulfilling -- and so full of continual surprise." Kelly, St. John president, said that without Marie "I would not be who I am. We are truly inseparable."

The design company St. John Knits Inc. came into being in 1962, before Marie married and several years before Kelly was born. St. John has had a presence in Japan for the last 10 years. Recently Marie and Kelly came to Japan on their first visit in a decade, feting their company's 40th anniversary and its continuing triumphs.

Both women without hesitation attribute their success to factors of simplicity. The family has kept control from the beginning, when family was only Marie and her husband, Bob. Marie is still chief designer. Bob is still chairman. Kelly, since she proved she was able, is still president and creative director. The company still keeps its base in California. St. John built on the rock of close-knit family and manageable organization.