It was only three years ago, wasn't it? The trailer for "Star Wars: Episode I" hit the Net and before you knew it, everyone with a modem and a hard drive was downloading the thing via a 28 Kbps connection. And telling you how it only took them 12 hours to do it. Well, now "Episode II" has hit the Net, and Quicktime and your new ADSL/cable connection are gonna make you feel like you've traveled light years between episodes.

Pixar just released it's fourth feature, "Monsters, Inc." Already it's a smash hit, but as luck would have it, Pixar's share price, which had been rising in anticipation of the computer-animated flick, began falling after the first weekend set a box office record. The rap? The studio only puts out a film once every two years. But it also has a library of brilliant shorts. They're all right here, free for the viewing.

gamespot.com/gamespot/filters/products/screenindex/0,11104,516645-1,0 0.html
The Harry Potter movie is about to be unleashed onto a very large suspecting audience. Which means the video game can't be far behind. GameSpot has 120 stills from the upcoming PlayStation2 game, reviews, a "movie," and other impressions for the thumb set.