The harvest moon is upon us, and where better for viewing it (God and the elements willing) than the terrace at Tsuki no Niwa, the aptly named "Garden of the Moon." Not only is it a marvelous setting, it's hard to believe it's in the heart of Minato Ward.

If you are not familiar with Tsuki no Niwa, that's because it does not go out of its way to draw attention to itself. It does not advertise, nor does it allow the media inside its portals.

The look is modern-traditional -- a low-rise, wooden house, freestanding on its own patch of real estate. It nestles back behind its low wooden wall so anonymously that you barely notice it's there at all. At night they hang up their cotton noren, illuminated by a single lamp. With its sole window covered by a discreet bamboo blind, you could almost take it for a ryotei.