Azure fish, blue-tailed lizards, turquoise waves -- Rota is full of the refreshing colors of life.

Located a few hours south of Japan, this tropical island seems a million kilometers away from the crush of city living. Blissfully, there are no shopping centers or fast-food restaurants. The only fast thing here is the sunset -- a sudden flurry of pink and gold, then night makes its dramatic entrance. Nature is the great attraction. If you like deserted shorelines, bird-watching, star-gazing and a hint of mystery, you'll enjoy this lovely island.

There are no direct flights from Japan. First the jumbo jet thunders into Saipan Airport. Most tourists go straight to their high-rise hotels; only a handful of passengers stay on and wait for the short flight to Rota. Light aircraft buzz about like honey bees, heading for the scattered islands of Micronesia.