The number of resources for tracked weather risks have been steadily growing, thanks to the web, social media and mobile apps. The language, however, can sometimes be confusing, especially to people who don't speak Japanese. Here is a condensed guide to commonly used terms related to evacuation and what you should do if you receive an evacuation advisory in your your area.
Level 3
Instructions to prepare for evacuation (避難準備情報・ひなんじゅんびじょうほう・hinanjyunbijyohō)
A level 3 evacuation notice calls on residents to prepare for evacuation. It also means elderly people or those with physical disabilities should begin evacuating immediately under the assumption that the issuance of an evacuation advisory is possible, if not likely.
Level 4
Evacuation advisory (避難勧告・ひなんかんこく・hinankankoku)
An evacuation advisory is issued when circumstances are worsening and the chances of injury are growing. Though evacuation is not compulsory, an evacuation advisory is communicating that evacuation is strongly recommended to all residents.
Evacuation instruction (避難指示・ひなんしじ・hinanshiji)
While formal evacuation orders aren't issued in Japan, an evacuation instruction is the strongest form of advisory. An evacuation instruction calls on residents to secure themselves in their home or evacuate as quickly and safely as possible to the closest evacuation area in the event of a natural disaster or otherwise dangerous situation.
Level 5
This is actually “beyond evacuation.” If the JMA issues a special weather warning, such as a heavy rain warning, it’s time to take action to protect your life. If you are unable to evacuate, you should take appropriate action at home (eg. if you are near a possibly flooded area, go to a higher floor).
You can check on specific weather warnings at the JMA weather warning site. Zoom in on the map or use the pull-down menus near the page top to find your area.
Different types of of weather warnings
注意報 (chūihō) = advisory
警報 (keihō) = warning: warning of an impending disaster or hazardous situation and call for appropriate actions. (A warning is more urgent than an advisory.)
特別警報 (tokubetsu keihō = special warning)
Level 2
Flooding(洪水 kōzui), heavy rain (大雨 ōame) advisories are considered
Flood warning notice (氾濫注意情報 hanran chui jyohō)
*Flood tide advisory (高潮注意報 takashio chūihō/em>) can be both Level 2 and 3Level 3Elderly are recommended to evacuate at this point. Others should start preparing for evacuation
Important documents/ID: health insurance card; driving license; passports; ikan (document stamp); mother and child health handbook (母子健康手帳); pension handbook (年金手帳)
disaster/evacuation map
clip wrap (it's useful for first aid, thermal insulation, and to reduce washing by wrapping dishes)
house key, car key
bank account number; insurance number (銀行の口座番号・生命保険契約番号)