Japanese actor and singer Miho Nakayama, known for starring in the hit 1995 film "Love Letter," popular TV shows such as “Mama wa Idol!” (1987) and “Kimi no Hitomi ni Koishiteru!” (1989) and for her early career work as an idol in the 1980s, was found dead at her residence in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward on Friday. She was 54.

“It is with deepest regret that we have to make this sudden announcement to all those who have been involved with (Nakayama’s career) and to the fans who have supported her, but it has happened so suddenly that we are also stunned and saddened by the news," read a statement released by her management company on Friday.

The company said in a separate statement on Sunday that autopsy results showed her death was not a criminal case, and that it was an "unfortunate accident" that happened when she was taking a bath.