Many people in failing relationships have probably looked back and wondered if they could rewind to a point before it all went wrong. It’s wishful thinking, ignoring the reality that people change and grow apart, and there’s no timeline in which everything works out perfectly. But, you know — what if?

When we first meet Naoki (Hideaki Ito) and Mayumi (Yuko Araki), they’re enjoying a domestic bliss so flawless, it’s instantly suspect. Mayumi spends her days in a pottery studio while her husband, a robotics genius, does whatever it is that robotics geniuses do. The only thing that sets them apart from today’s super-rich is that it’s the year 2200 and they’re living in outer space, in a sprawling residence that they seem to have all to themselves.

Their main contact with the outside world comes via virtual reality, which they use to have regular consultations with Mayumi’s doctor (Long Mizuma). She’s suffering from amnesia, you see, having apparently spent several years in a coma after surviving a tsunami. That’s also why Naoki suggests it’s a little too soon for a trip back to Earth.