Historical drama "Shogun," the sweeping story of a struggle for power in feudal Japan, racked up 25 nominations on Wednesday to lead this year's contenders for television's Emmy Awards.

The first season of the FX network series will compete for best drama, the top Emmy trophy, with the final installment of Netflix's British royal saga "The Crown," "The Morning Show" from Apple TV+, among others. Another FX show, nail-biting restaurant tale "The Bear," earned 23 nominations, a record for a comedy. Its second season — which explores the quest to turn a Chicago sandwich shop into a world-class dining destination — will compete again for best comedy, a category it won at the last Emmys.

Netflix topped all networks with 107 nominations, including 18 for "The Crown." FX followed with 93 nods, just ahead of the 91 for Warner Bros Discovery's HBO and streaming service Max.