Do you ever get the feeling you’re just going around in circles? Waking up on Monday morning after pulling an all-nighter at the creative agency where she works, Akemi Yoshikawa (Wan Marui) has a daunting week ahead of her.

She’s trying to steer an impossible project to completion while making a good impression on the more illustrious firm to which she’s about to jump ship. However, the omens aren’t good: First, a pigeon flies smack into the office window, then she gets caught in a traffic accident while en route to a presentation. And it just keeps getting worse from there.

Akemi’s sense that she’s trapped in a week from hell turns out to be truer than she could have imagined, as a pair of coworkers inform her in hushed tones that the entire office is stuck in a week-long loop. They prime her with the image of that hapless pigeon to trigger her memory when the clock resets — and it’s Monday all over again.