If you’re feeling the creeping symptoms of cabin fever, you’re not the only one. As I continue to avoid crowds and cancel vacation plans during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there are only so many Zoom parties I can handle before getting tired of someone forgetting to mute their mic or the internet connection constantly dropping out.

Of course, there is an absurd amount of prestige television to watch these days to help pass the time, but finding the perfect show to binge while in Japan can be annoying: Streaming sites’ catalogs often differ country by country due to licensing agreements, which makes many recommendation lists from overseas outlets seem more like a taunt than an invitation to a good time.

Comedies are a good option for a temporary escape from reality, but my brain tends to wander after a few episodes of low-stakes laughs. A good drama with plenty of twists and turns, however, keeps me glued to my couch, safely at home, as I watch just one more episode to see how the story unfolds.