Anyone concerned about the rapid infiltration of technology into every aspect of daily life is unlikely to be further troubled by "AI Amok."

Set in 2030, this dopey sci-fi flick depicts a near-future Japan in which people have entrusted their health, bank accounts and home appliances to a benevolent artificial intelligence system, named Nozomi after its creator's late wife. Its architect, Kosuke Kiryu (Takao Osawa), left the country after the system went online — already too late, alas, to save his beloved spouse from cancer.

Everything seems to be going smoothly with Nozomi until Kosuke returns to collect an honorary prize, only for the AI system to go haywire and start threatening to eliminate every citizen who isn't pulling their weight. Kosuke finds himself accused of cyberterrorism, while his daughter, Kokoro (Sora Tamaki), accidentally gets locked in the server room as the clock counts down to "AI-mageddon."