Nov. 2-Jan. 13, 2020

Tetsuya Umeda is an internationally acclaimed Japanese contemporary artist, largely known for his live interactive installation and performance works that incorporate daily objects, waste and human-generated "phenomena" such as sound and movement.

He also produces site-specific works in rural and urban spaces, creating dynamic environments that combine architectural structures with sound and light to explore human behavior.

This exhibition focuses on his installation and performance works that not only connect time and space but transcend typical music and performance to influence viewers' perceptions.

Fukuoka Art Museum; 1-6 Ohori Park, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka. Ohorikoen Stn. 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. ¥200. Closed Mon., Dec. 28-Jan. 4. 092-714-6051;