"Terrace House" served up two shockers this week: the sudden disappearance of Shohei and an unexpected crash course in the mantra of immature idiots, "Bros before hoes."

After last week's date with Emika, a lunch where she declared she said she was only interested in hardworking men with goals, our natural expectation was that Shohei would step up in order to impress her. Instead, Shohei decided to move out of the house at the crack of dawn without saying goodbye to anyone. Mind you, this is the most Shohei-esque way to leave "Terrace House." The night before his sudden departure, Ruka and Shohei indulged in a little night swim in the indoor pool, giving us a nice moment with some innocent fun. But later, Ruka came back to the men's room to find Shohei packing his bags. After some prodding, Shoehi spilled the beans: He's leaving Terrace House. He says he didn't want to tell anyone about his decision because he doesn't like drawn-out goodbyes. Ruka is understandably sad since he and Shohei have been buds from the start, and he insists on waking up early to see Shohei off.

Early riser: Shohei woke up at the crack of dawn to make his exit from the house and avoid having to see anyone on his way out | © FUJI TELEVISION / EAST ENTERTAINMENT
Early riser: Shohei woke up at the crack of dawn to make his exit from the house and avoid having to see anyone on his way out on "Terrace House Tokyo 2019-2020." | © FUJI TELEVISION / EAST ENTERTAINMENT