Based on the title alone, my expectations going into episode two of "Terrace House" — titled "Tempura Incident" — were high. Viewers of the “Boys & Girls in the City” season are sure to remember the infamous “meat incident” of 2016 where the housemates ate a roommate’s special beef without saving him a piece. Would we be so lucky this early in the season to see the housemates embroiled in a similarly dramatic affair?

The episode starts in the morning with Haruka, Kaori, Risako and Kenny relaxing in the kitchen and discussing their plans for the 10-day Golden Week holiday period in early May. This is where we learn about one of Haruka's interests: drag racing. She's planning on racing her 2007 Chevrolet Corvette in a competition in Tochigi Prefecture, and her housemates (as well as the commentators and yours truly) are surprised — it's not a hobby you hear about often. She also mentions that she likes watching golf and admits, "I'm such an old geezer," which sets her apart from previous model housemates.

The conversation takes a sharp turn, though, when Risako casually asks Kenny if he gets angry easily. While it's natural for the roommates to dig for details and get each other to open up, Risako's assessment that Kenny "might be trying to act cool" seems a little harsh, especially when he tells his friends later, "I thought I was being myself."