Oct. 6-Dec. 9

Illustrator and graphic designer Shigemi Hijikata (1915-1986) graduated from Tama Teikoku Art School (present-day Tama Art University) before working at Toho Studios from 1938. There he designed movie posters, including those for "Horse" (1941), "To The Big Sky for the Decisive War" (1943) and a number of educational films.

He later became a freelancer, creating material for operas, puppet theaters and other stage productions, while also illustrating children's books and making props for TV programs.

This nostalgic showing of Hijikata's work, includes rare original drawings, posters and video footage.

Otani Memorial Art Museum, Nishinomiya City; 4-38 Nakahama-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo. Koroen Stn. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. ¥800. Closed Wed. 0798-33-0164; www.otanimuseum.jp