Oct. 6-Jan. 14

Art deco, which flourished in Europe between World War I and II, was largely influenced by the arts of other countries, such as Russia's Ballets Russes (1909-29), Egypt's Tutankhamun's tomb (found in 1922) and discoveries of the automobile company Citroen's "La Croisiere Noire" (1924-25) and "La Croisiere Jaune" (1931-32) expeditions in Africa and Asia.

Focusing on items on loan from the Musee des Annees 30, Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, and the Mobilier National, this exhibition presents 85 works, including paintings and sculptures inspired by African and Asian culture.

Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum; 5-21-9 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Shirokanedai Stn. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. ¥1,200. Closed 2nd, 4th Wed.; 03-5777-8600. www.teien-art-museum.ne.jp

The Japan Times is giving away 5 pairs of tickets to this exhibition. Enter by Oct. 9 to qualify: http://jtimes.jp/tickets