Aug. 29-Oct. 22

With increasing interest in kōgei artisanal craftwork both here and abroad, the Shiseido Gallery is hosting an exhibition featuring handmade items for everyday use created with washi paper that is produced with natural materials.

To highlight the fascinating world of paper, the exhibition has decided to focus on water as a concept. It's an element that is crucial for the production of washi as well as our own existence. Inspired by the tea ceremony, the exhibition has planned an original omizue (water ceremony) performance where spring water will be served to show appreciation for nature and its blessings. Craftworks used at the ceremony, inspired by the ancient Jomon culture, will also be on display.

Shiseido Gallery; Shiseido Bldg. B1, 8-8-3 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Ginza Stn. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. (Sun., holidays till 6 p.m.). Free. Closed Mon. 03-3572-3901;