Although the Arakawa district of Tokyo and Africa are thousands of kilometers apart, the two locations do, perhaps surprisingly, share some commonalities in their culture and landscape.

As part of the Asahi Art Festival, "Arakawa Africa" bridges the gap between the two peoples by highlighting such similarities and creating artistic collaborations. While the event is aimed at strengthening our own cultural potential, it also aims to provide a sense of "togetherness" with the promotion of unity between the two vastly different regions through the sharing of art; Sept. 21-Oct. 11.

Gallery OGU MAG; 03-3893-0868; 4-24-7 Higashiogu, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo; Akado Shogakko-mae Station, Nippori-toneri Liner. 1 p.m.-7 p.m. Free admission. Closed Sept. 24, 30, Oct. 7.