The Tokyo-based noh group Sohnokai is offering five pairs of tickets to its noh and kyogen show on Sept. 23.
Two plays will be featured: a kyogen (traditional comedy) titled "Sadogitsune (The Fox of Sado)," about a farmer who bribes a bureaucrat into fooling another farmer to believe a fox lives on the island of Sado; and a Hosho School noh play titled "Fujito," about a medieval samurai warrior who gets accused of killing a fisherman who helped him win the battle of Fujito in what is now Okayama Prefecture.
Performances will be held Sept. 23 at Hosho Noh Theater, in Tokyo's Bunkyo Ward, from 1 p.m.
The deadline for entry is Sept. 13. Use this form to apply for tickets.
Note: The contact information of winning applicants will given to the Sohnokai noh group, who will the tickets directly. For further information, call (03) 3452-3599.
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