This exhibition focuses on recreation in ancient Japan. More than 100 artifacts from the Kyoto National Museum's collection are being displayed, categorized under nine types of "play," such as festivals, indoor games, children's toys, and song and dance. Artifacts include toys and board games that once belonged to Japanese nobility, as well as prints and paintings depicting people enjoying themselves.

The museum's impressive selection aims to offer visitors a peek at life in old Japan and introduce the creative ways in which people, back then, entertained themselves; July 13-Aug. 25.

Kyoto National Museum; 075-525-2473; 527 Chaya-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto; Shichijo Station, Keihan Railway. 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. (Fri. till 8 p.m.) ¥1,000. Closed Mon. (except July 15), July