Nelson Mandela once said that nothing offers more telling clues to the reality of a nation than observing how humanely its prison inmates are treated. Originally from Venezuela, this exhibition is being shown in Japan for the first time, with its primary objective being to raise global awareness of the often appalling situation of Venezuelan prisons.

Most of the works on display are contributions from photographer Violette Bule. Although in some photographs the inmates are aware of the camera, there are also more spontaneous, candid shots that capture the repression of Venezuelan inmates; Dec. 1-Jan.14.

Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo; (03) 5689-5331; 2-4-16 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; Ochanomizu Station, JR Sobu Line. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Free admission. Closed Mon. (except Dec. 24), Dec. 25, Dec. 29-Jan. 4.