Silk, admired for its texture and functionality, has been revered as a luxury fabric since ancient times. It has captivated artists and fashion designers worldwide, one of the most famous being Mariano Fortuny (1871-1949).

Fortuny's innovative and versatile use of silk included Grecian influences that rebelled against the fashion of his time. This exhibition imagines what Fortuny would produce if he were alive today. It aims to reconstruct the high aesthetic standards that he once envisioned.

On display are a variety of silk fabrics from around the globe, including those from Europe, China, India and Japan; till Jan. 8.

Kobe Fashion Museum; (078) 858-0050; 9-1-2 Koyochonaka, Higashinada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo; Island Center Station, Rokko Liner. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. ¥ 500. Closed Wed., Dec. 29-Jan. 3.