During the 1920s, many Japanese painters traveled to Paris for artistic education and inspiration, and they brought back with them techniques that influenced the development of modern Japanese art.

The Otani Memorial Art Museum, Nishinomiya City, which opened in 1972, houses an impressive collection of Japanese and French paintings. This exhibition divides the museum's 130 modern paintings into three categories — figure, still-life and landscape — to reveal and highlight stylistic changes between 19th- and 20th-century works; till Dec. 16.

Nishinomiya City Otani Memorial Art Museum; (0798) 33-0164; 4-38 Nakahama-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo; Koroen Station, Hanshin Line. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. ¥300. Closed Wed. otanimuseum.jp/home/index.html.