After the Great East Japan Earthquake, many people were prompted to help victims in the devastated Tohoku area — and artists were no exception. While some used their skills to improve public awareness of the catastrophe's consequences, others postponed art projects to join relief efforts as volunteers.

Just as the quake and tsunami exposed an unexpected vulnerability of Japan's society, it also revealed a new way define the arts. This exhibition focuses on how artists perceived post-disaster Japan and how they expressed their experiences through their works. Featured artists include Chim↑Pom, Maki Miyashita and Tochika; Oct. 13-Dec. 9.

Art Tower Mito; (029) 227-8111, 1-6-8 Goken-cho, Mito, Ibaraki; Mito Station, JR Line. 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. ¥800. Closed Mon.