As Tokyo's Ueno Park Zoo and the nation mourn the death of the first panda cub to be born in Japan in 24 years, we can show our support for the institution, and other zoos, by visiting other rare and unusual animals.

Just like us humans, many creatures love to come out on warm summer nights — so what better way to see them than to join them in the evenings. Three zoos are taking advantage of this summer's good weather and warm temperatures by offering extended nighttime visiting hours. Ueno Park Zoo in Tokyo, Zoorasia in Yokohama and Higashiyama City Zoo in Nagoya will all be open after the sun sets so that visitors can see animals in action as they enjoy the cooler evening air.

In addition to observing animals, there are various activities and events planned for visitors, including beer gardens, lectures and some hands-on experiences. Closing times vary by zoo and their exhibits, so please visit their websites for details.

Ueno Park Zoo, Tokyo: Zoorasia, Yokohama: Higashiyama City Zoo, Nagoya: